Free Restorative Practices for Healing Spiritual Trauma Cohort!
- February 19, 2021
- Posted by: kpacha
- Categories: Healing, LGBTQ, Provider, Religion & Spirituality, Virtual Training

Have you or your clients been impacted by anti-LGBTQ religion or spirituality?
Looking for concrete skills and practices to promote healing?
Join me and my colleague Dev Cuny for a FREE 6-week Restorative Practices for Healing Spiritual Trauma for LGBTQ People and Allies! This 6-week cohort group is intended for people who have been harmed by anti-LGBTQ+ religious/spiritual beliefs, communities, and practices. We will explore the impact negative faith-based messages have had on us & our loved ones and learn restorative practices we can use in our own lives and to support client/family work. Each session includes self-reflection, psychoeducation (exploring research and resources), embodied healing practices, restorative conversations, and building relationship with other cohort members for the purposes of healing. Participants will complete self-reflection or embodied practice homework between sessions and share in small groups.
Click this link to register & for more information:
- Held online weekly on Saturdays, April 3rd-May 8th, 2021 from 9 AM-1 PM Pacific time via Zoom.
- Alameda County and other surrounding Bay Area county participants will be prioritized for this group; others are very much welcome but may be waitlisted.
This group is co-led by Kelsey Pacha ( and Dev Cuny (
Want to see a sample of our content? Watch this video:
Weekly themes for the Restorative Practices for Healing Spiritual Trauma cohort are as follows:
Week 1, Sharing Our Stories: What does spiritual trauma and/or abuse mean to us, and how are we impacted by it?
Week 2, How Have We Been Shaped by Religion/Spirituality? How did our childhood cognitive & social development affect the ways we understand God/supernatural forces, our sense of self, and our purpose in the world?
Week 3, Reframing & Reclaiming: What inherently LGBTQ-affirming theologies, practices, and figures exist in major world religious traditions? How can we reclaim & embody such practices?
Week 4, Restorative Practices for Individual Healing: What are restorative practices and how can we use them for our individual healing? What is the difference between RJ circles, support groups, & other modalities? How can healing practices be manipulated in religious institutions to cause harm?
Week 5, Restorative Practices for Collective Healing: How can we use restorative practices for the healing of our communities and institutions? How do we integrate RJ, mutual aid, and expansive theologies in our lives & in work within child welfare, educational, and social service systems?
Week 6, Integration: What have we healed? Where do we still need support/connection? How may we continue the work together?
I am so proud and excited about this Restorative Practices for Healing Spiritual Trauma curriculum, and know it will make an impact on communities who have been hurt by religion. Click the link to sign up and feel free to contact me at with any questions!